Monday, February 25, 2019

How Often you Need to Book a Servicing Session of Your Car?

These days with time and technological advancements in the automobile industry cars pop up with a message for the service reminders. But what if you have an older version car? How will you judge that your car needs a service?

The easiest way to find out about the service requirements for your vehicle is to check the owner’s manual thoroughly. If you are unable to get through the logbook you need to be particular about a few things since a well kept car serves you better. The basic rule is get your vehicle serviced at every 10000 km or every 6 months, whichever comes first.

And even if you are not selling your used car, it is still important to get it serviced. This is because most fluids in your car are susceptible to moisture and need to be changed at some intervals.

Servicing span may differ from vehicle to vehicle:

Apart from the above mentioned standard span for servicing of cars, there are different situations when a car requires services prior to the standardized timings. These are called as ‘Adverse Operating Conditions’. Vehicles with continuous start stop driving, heavy load towing vehicles, high speed driving vehicles etc. fall under this category.

These vehicles require more periodic maintenance to keep them running efficiently. Thus, increasing service operations to every 5000 km or every 3 months, whichever comes first, is important for protection of the major components of the car.

Things you should consider when getting your car serviced:
  • Check engine oil and oil filters.
  • Check all fluids namely coolant, power steering, brakes etc.
  • Balancing, alignment and wheel rotation. Also, check tire condition.
  • Check and adjust belts that are damaged or worn out.
  • Check hose pipes and replace if needed.
  • Check wiper blades and washer nozzles.
  • All the lights to be checked
  • Battery service
If you do not get your car serviced:

There are many issues that can occur if you do not get your vehicle serviced regularly. Reduced fuel economy, poor driving feel and may be major mechanical failure - are some of the consequences you may have to face.

Failing to change engine oil at desired intervals may deteriorate the cleaning agent present in it resulting in increased wear on the internal components of the engine. Checking on the brake fluid is another important thing, failing which may result in reduced performance of the braking system.

It is important to understand that saving money on your car servicing can cost you a lot more when a real problem occurs due to lack of servicing. Thus, stop saving money on servicing of your car and choose a reliable option for it.

We at OLX Cash My Car give you a free inspection when you decide to sell your old car that not only tells you about the actual position of your car. But it also help in giving you the best valuation of it depending upon the condition and also servicing of your car.

Thus, it is really important to get your car serviced not only for a carefree present but also for the best price for used car in the future. 

1 comment:

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